Gislook Gismeta For Mac

The main goal of Puzzle GIS is to create a free, production ready and competitive tool as a valid alternative to commercial software.” Added 5/9/2009. – Basic GIS viewer and editor for now; new features added with every release. Also has built-in interface for GRASS – An open-source statistical analysis package. See for references on using it for geospatial analysis. Added 4/19/09.

– “Puzzle is a Java Geographic Information Systems (GIS) development platform build on top of NetBeans6. The main goal of Puzzle GIS is to create a free, production ready and competitive tool as a valid alternative to commercial software.” Added 5/9/2009.

– Spatial statistics and analysis. – “Puzzle is a Java Geographic Information Systems (GIS) development platform build on top of NetBeans6. The main goal of Puzzle GIS is to create a free, production ready and competitive tool as a valid alternative to commercial software.” Added 5/9/2009. – Basic GIS viewer and editor for now; new features added with every release.

I get emails all the time asking about free GIS software for Mac OS X. Unfortunately, since I don’t have a Mac, I don’t spend a lot of time looking for Mac-compatible software. From what little I’ve seen, there’s far less GIS-related software for OS X than Windows, or even Linux, and that’s unlikely to change soon. But for what it’s worth, here’s a list of free GIS-related software I’ve run across that claims to come in a Mac-compatible version (no GPS-related software). Unless noted, there are Windows version of these as well, and usually Linux, too. As I come across more Mac programs, I’ll put up posts on those additional ones, but will also eventually add them here as well.

Mar 23, 2018  GISLook and GISMeta are plugins for Mac OS X 10.5 and higher that show GIS data in the Finder and other applications. Use GISLook to browse and preview GIS data in Finder windows, including Cover Flow and Quick Look windows.

I get emails all the time asking about free GIS software for Mac OS X. Unfortunately, since I don’t have a Mac, I don’t spend a lot of time looking for Mac-compatible software. From what little I’ve seen, there’s far less GIS-related software for OS X than Windows, or even Linux, and that’s unlikely to change soon. But for what it’s worth, here’s a list of free GIS-related software I’ve run across that claims to come in a Mac-compatible version (no GPS-related software). Unless noted, there are Windows version of these as well, and usually Linux, too. As I come across more Mac programs, I’ll put up posts on those additional ones, but will also eventually add them here as well.

– A free German GIS program. (in German) lists its features. Added 5/9/2009. – “Spatial Data Integrator (SDI) is an ETL (Extract Transform Load) tool with geospatial capabilities.

Bernhard Jenny let me know about his to the Mac Finder; they’ll be added shortly to my. Business plan cover letter review of business plan application for mac. GISLook adds preview capability to GIS data to the finder, supporting: Vector data • ESRI Shape (.shp) • E00 ArcInfo Interchange (.e00) • ArcInfo Coverage (.adf) Raster grids, such as digital elevation models or land cover data with a single band • BIL (.bil), BIP (.bip) and BSQ (.bsq) with.hdr file • ESRI ASCII Grid (.asc) • ESRI Binary Grid (.flt with.hdr file) • PGM (.pgm) • SRTM (.hgt and.dem) • Surfer Grid (.grd) • USGS DEM (.dem) GISMeta lets you see the size of raster data files in the Finder.

– “ The SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS) is a comprehensive image analysis package for the processing, display, analysis, and quality control of ocean color data.” Added 4/22/09. – “SGeMS is a software for 3D geostatistical modeling.” Source code only is provided; website says that you should be able to compile it for Mac OS X, but apparently no one has tried it yet, and no Mac binaries are available. Added 4/22/09. – A free German GIS program. (in German) lists its features. Added 5/9/2009.

The maps are created from the U.S. Bureau of Census TIGER/Line files and can be manipulated quickly to show possible hazard areas.” Added 5/9/2009. -”Minerva is an open-source program for viewing geospatial data that works on Windows, Mac, and Linux. It unifies standard GIS capabilities with high-performance, 3D visualization”. Added 4/22/09.